Wine Shield is an award-winning innovation from Australia that keeps wine fresh in an opened bottle, for up to 5 days after the first glass is poured. Without the Wine Shield, once the bottle is opened, oxygen is introduced to the wine and causes an irreversible reaction with wine components and overall wine deterioration. Wine contains antioxidants, such as sulphur dioxide and ascorbic acid, which are designed to react with oxygen and prevent deterioration of wine components. However, these materials are used up as oxygen contact continues, leaving the wine vulnerable to rapid deterioration when they are depleted. Wine Shield is a patented product from Australia that is designed to reduce deterioration. Simply slip a Wine Shield disc into the wine bottle and it will float on the surface, creating a barrier between the wine and the air space in the bottle, and dramatically slowing the oxidation process that spoils wine. Wine Shield is inexpensive, quick to deploy and easy to use because there's no gas or vacuum pump involved. The wine will retain the taste and aroma just as the winemaker intended. Says Harvey Steiman, Editor at Large, Wine Spectator: "Until now, the best wine preservation techniques involve displacing the air inside the bottle with an inert odorless gas, such as nitrogen or argon. A new product looks like a workable solution - at least my experiments with it have proved successful. It's called the Wine Shield. I tried the Wine Shield on three bottles - a Washington Riesling under cork, and an Oregon Pinot Noir and Australian Shiraz under twist-off caps. After 1 hour, I applied the disks and stoppered the bottles. Four days later, all the wines tasted exactly as I described in my original notes."
read more..Features- Award-winning patented innovation from Australia that keeps wine fresh in an opened bottle.
- Takes 5 seconds or less to deploy, and does not contaminate wine. Takes 5 seconds or less to deploy, and does not contaminate wine. Completely safe BPA-free and made from FDA-approved, food contact-safe material).
- Floats on the surface of the wine - creating a barrier to oxidation, and thereby preserves the wine.
- Extensively tested by independent accredited laboratories in Australia and USA.
- Quick to deploy and easy to use because there's no gas or vacuum pump involved. Great for wine drinkers at home who open bottles but don't consume the entire contents immediately.
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