These great picnic stix for your wine are stakes that are perfect for picnics, outdoor concerts, and more. Has a stake to hold your wine and two more stakes to hold your wine glasses! read more..
Hot Features
- Set of 3 wine stakes turns ground seating into the best available at picnics, concerts, trips to parks and the beach
- One stake is designed to keep a wine bottle steady while 2 other matching stakes are made to hold glasses at the ready
- No more spilled drinks if the blankets slides or someone accidentally bumps them
- Sized in height for ground seating or very low chairs; lightweight and portable; easily fits into bags or containers
- The set makes a great gift for outdoor enthusiasts everywhere
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They look great and you can make them hold your glass rather securely if you're careful how you insert it into the ground.
I didn't give this 5 stars because more consideration should have been put into its design. Inserting the holder is difficult in all but the softest ground. This is the best way I've found to insert the holder:
1. Drive a tent stake into the ground to make a hole
2. Remove the stake and insert the glass holder into the hole
3. Compact the dirt around the hole to secure the holder in place